Swedish residence permit

We simplify the residence permit process and offer tailored solutions to those who wish to live or work in Sweden. With our professional team and comprehensive knowledge, we are here to assist you in achieving your residence permit goals.

Our services include

Contact us today for free consultation and more information.

Sweden is a country known for its high quality of life, diverse cultural experiences, and modern society. For those wishing to live and work in Sweden by obtaining a residence permit, there are various steps and processes involved.

We offer services to support your application for Swedish residence permit. Our services include explaining the requirements, assisting with documents, and monitoring. We are here to facilitate your journey towards Swedish residence permit.

Free Initial Consultation

We help you determine the type of residence permit suitable for your application. We provide detailed information about different residence permit categories such as work, family reunification, education, or refugee status.

Document preparation

We guide you in preparing the necessary documents for your residence permit application. Submitting complete and accurate documents increases the likelihood of a successful application.

Application tracking

We carefully monitor the progress of your application, managing the process by maintaining effective communication between you and Swedish authorities.

Consultation and guidance

After obtaining a residence permit, we offer advice on how to integrate into life in Sweden. We provide information on language education, cultural adaptation, and local living.

Extension and citizenship applications

We also provide guidance for extending your residence permit or applying for Swedish citizenship.

Why Sweden Next?

Expertise and experience

We take pride in our extensive and solid experience along with deep expertise in our industry. Our dedicated team comprises highly qualified professionals who aim to deliver high-quality services and results to our clients.


We streamline the application process, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors or omissions.

Customized solutions

We understand that each client is unique with specific needs. We tailor our services to meet your individual requirements and goals. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

Results-oriented approach

Our primary goal is to deliver measurable results that benefit our clients. We aim to assist our clients in achieving their objectives and enhancing their efficiency, ultimately leading to success.

Start your journey today

Contact us for a free consultation and more information.

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